Big Win for Major Cupertino Housing Project

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A Santa Clara County Superior Court judge last week delivered a major victory for Bay Area Council member Sand Hill Properties and housing advocates everywhere when she ruled in favor of the redevelopment of the Vallco Mall in Cupertino and the 2,400 homes it will provide. The Council was proud to file an amicus brief in favor of allowing the project to move forward and assembling a coalition of housing advocates to join in signing it. The blunt ruling by Judge Helen Williams laid waste to opponents’ arguments against the project, brings to a close many years of local resistance to the project and reaffirms the state law (SB35, Weiner) under which it was proposed. The Council believes the ruling reinforces SB35 as a tool for advancing housing production across the state.

We extend our congratulations to Sand Hill Properties for their leadership and our deep gratitude to Council member Hanson Bridgett for their legal expertise in shepherding the process to a victory. We also thank the many partners who joined us in signing the amicus brief. To engage in our housing policy work, please contact Senior Vice President Matt Regan.

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