Keeping the Bay Area Moving
Though the Bay Area economy is booming, unprecedented commute congestion now confounds the ability of residents to access jobs and enjoy the fruits of our economic boom. By some metrics, the Bay Area is the second most congested region in the nation, and it’s not just highways—BART, Caltrain, and ferries have record ridership that exceeds capacity. Efforts to improve transportation performance are challenged by stagnant state and federal funding; a highly bureaucratic, slow, and risk-averse project delivery processes; growing interest in prioritizing environmental and social justice goals; and a multitude of local transportation agencies that are naturally configured to pursue local, rather than regional, solutions. The Bay Area Council envisions and works towards a transportation system that is well funded, provides convenient local and regional mobility that supports economic progress, and reflects and leverages the spirit of innovation that defines the Bay Area. In recognition of the magnitude of the challenge and the significant need and opportunity for business community leadership, this “2X” strategy raises the Council’s sights toward more impactful goals, and identifies the additional resources that are required from our members in order to accomplish each goals.
Chris Rivielle, Plant Construction
Michael Matthews, Facebook
Ed Del Beccaro, Transwestern