We’re Not Done Yet: Council Sponsors New ADU Reform Bill

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Six years after the Bay Area Council sponsored the legislation (SB 1069, Wieckowski) that launched a statewide and national surge in accessory dwelling units (ADUs) we’re still cooking with gas. The Council is again joining with Sen. Bob Wieckowski to sponsor SB 897, which proposes a number of additional reforms to make it easier, faster and less costly for homeowners to get approval for and build ADUs.

The bill proposes permanently ending restrictive owner-occupant requirements that are due to sunset in 2025, prohibiting local agencies from denying a permit for an unpermitted ADU, creating additional state funding for ADUs, and ensuring that the construction of an ADU does not constitute an occupancy change or require that fire sprinklers are installed in either the ADU or primary dwelling. SB 897 will build on the huge success of SB 1069, which has generated an 841 percent increase in ADU building permits and made ADUs 11 percent of all residential building permits statewide.

SB 897 is scheduled to go before the Senate Housing Committee on March 24. Stay tuned for ways to share your support in advance of the hearing, and for any questions please contact Senior Policy Manager Kelli Fallon.

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