Litigation Abuse Under CEQA Delays Yet Another Affordable Housing Project

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After an exhaustive review process with multiple public hearings and countless hours of community outreach and input, the Livermore City Council unanimously approved a desperately needed affordable housing project in its downtown. One hundred and thirty new below market rate apartments that have been supported by the Bay Area Council, the Livermore Chamber of Commerce, and numerous other business and civic groups, should be preparing for a happy groundbreaking ceremony. But this is California, where one angry individual can file a legal challenge under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to block a wide range of projects. Sure enough, on June 24, a frivolous legal challenge was filed against the project by just such an individual and now it will be stalled by likely a year or more. 

Those familiar with this law will know that it is designed to throw sand in the gears of progress and give gadfly NIMBYs carte blanche to thwart the democratic process.  It is long past time for a major overhaul of this law. To engage in our housing policy work, please contact Senior Policy Manager Kelli Fallon.

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