It’s Baaaack!

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The high-profile rejection of a fully-compliant housing proposal in San Bruno has been resurrected as a bigger and better project by leveraging SB 35, the streamlining tool used for cities not meeting their housing needs. In July, the San Bruno City Council rejected a proposal by Bay Area Council member Signature Development Group to build a 425-unit transit-oriented residential development. The proposal now on the table includes 600 units, increased building heights, and less parking.

It’s hard to know what more Signature could have done with their original proposal. The plan was developed through an intensive community outreach process, complied with the city’s transit area plan and General Plan, exceeded the city’s affordability requirements, included a prevailing wage commitment, and offered a generous community benefits package. The blow came from a city that has produced just 119 of the 1,155 new homes required under state housing law. The Bay Area Council is proud that SB 35, which we helped pass in 2017 as part of a larger package of housing bills, is proving an effective tool to build more housing and holding cities accountable for meeting their housing obligations.

The Bay Area Council housing team is currently in planning mode for additional housing reform bills for the 2020 legislative session. If you missed our recent policy workshop but had ideas for increasing housing production, please email Senior Vice President Matt Regan.

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