Council-Endorsed Housing Development in Alameda Wins Preliminary Approval

This week (Jan. 18) the Alameda City Council on a 4-1 vote moved ahead with the approval process for a 589-unit mixed use project proposed by Tim Lewis Communities at Encinal Terminal, just across the channel from Brooklyn Basin. The project will include 80 below market rate homes and greatly increase public access to the waterfront and new open space amenities. In what appears to be more typical than not these days, this project is now in its 10th year and has gone through multiple iterations and appeared before multiple City Councils. Recognizing that a much greater RHNA obligation coupled with new enforcement tools coming from Sacramento left them with few options, the Alameda City Council voted to approve a vital land swap that will allow the proposal to keep moving forward. We extend a big thank you to Mayor Marilyn Ezzy Ashcaft for her vision and leadership. To engage in our Housing policy, please contact Senior Vice President Matt Regan.

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