Council Reviews Key Housing Legislation

The LAO urged the Legislature to focus more on lower income housing than the “missing middle” where Governor placed a lot of emphasis. As California lags at 49th in homes per capita, 49th in home ownership, and over crowding is three times the national average, we believe we need to do all of the above.

The Bay Area Council’s Housing Committee this week (Feb. 20) chaired by Carla Boragno, Vice President of Site Services, Genentech, and Lou Vasquez, Principal, Managing Director, Build Inc., reviewed the first traunch of 2019 bills in what promises to be a very busy year. The Committee voted to support ACA 1 (Aguiar-Curry) approval of affordable housing, AB 11 (Chiu) redevelopment, AB 68 (Ting) ADUs, AB 69 (Ting) ADUs, and SB 5 (Beall) housing financing.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed’s new Director of Housing Delivery, Judson True, spoke to the Committee about the Mayor’s efforts to streamline the approval process for new homes and doubled down on their support for more ADUs in the City.

Special thanks to Airbnb for hosting the meeting. To engage in the Council’s housing policy work, please contact Senior Vice President Matt Regan.


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