Council Joins Rally for CA Transportation Funding

The Bay Area Council on Thursday (May 19) joined a statewide coalition of transportation advocates for a Fix Our Roads rally at the state Capitol to send a loud and clear message to the Legislature that the time is now to fix California’s roads. Work on a transportation spending plan has been stalled for months by political inaction. More than 500 people from labor, local government, contractors, and business attended the rally, where the coalition unveiled its new Roadmap to Consensus, a proposal to bring all of the parties together to solve our transportation funding crisis.

The compromise plan combines the best ideas from Republican reform proposals, the Governor’s Budget Plan, and from legislation introduced by Democratic leaders. The urgency of finding a solution was hammered home on Wednesday when the California Transportation Commission adopted more than $754 million in cuts to planned highway, transit and other projects because of falling tax revenues tied to gas prices and voted to delay another $755 million in planned future projects. To engage in our transportation policy work, please contact Senior Vice President Michael Cunningham.

Watch the Fix Our Roads rally and press conference>>

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