Perspective: Doubling Down on DEI

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Bay Area Council Chair and Hanson Bridgett Managing Partner Kristina Lawson joined Hanson Bridgett Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer and Partner in recently authoring an insightful and informative perspective on the importance of embracing DEI.

The more things change, the more they stay the same—and we have to finally break out of that cycle. Recently, the nation’s discourse has been overtaken by a divisive conversation about the role of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs in our workplaces and institutions. As leaders in a law firm that has been recognized nationally for our 65-plus-year commitment to making our firm and the legal profession more inclusive, we are compelled to speak out both to correct the pervasive misinformation about DEI programs and to publicly double down on our commitment to making the legal profession, and the communities where our employees live and work, better places.

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