
The Bay Area Council and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Technology Engagement Center invite you to join us for a conversation on how technology continues to power the American economy.

Come and learn about recent reports showing the benefits of technology to small businesses and new ideas on how policymakers can keep America’s innovation sector thriving. Also, hear from experts about how artificial intelligence is transforming the way businesses compete in the modern economy.

We hope to see you there for an informative and fascinating morning.

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Getting Smart on Artificial Intelligence

“With great power, comes great responsibility” is an age-old proverb that rings true in our 21st century age of artificial intelligence. AI is at the forefront of how businesses operate, advance strategies, and forecast future needs. Currently at work in the financial services, healthcare, agriculture and workplace operations sectors, AI – and its sub-disciple Machine Learning (ML) – is securing America’s networks, expanding financial inclusion, and helping us discover the cures of the future. This panel will provide an overview of AI and its use cases and discuss the opportunity and challenges private sector entities face using this technology.

The Impact of Tech on Small Business

Technologies like AI, online advertising, delivery apps and fintech are helping small businesses survive and thrive during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The U.S. Chamber is releasing a report that highlights how small businesses that used tech grew from a revenue and jobs perspective. The panel will highlight stories from these small businesses and the policies that can keep such a thriving tech ecosystem going.

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