Streamline Permitting of Existing Distribution Power Lines

As constant new warnings emerge about the devastating impacts of climate change, it is more important than ever that we make the transition to a clean energy future. But serious hurdles preventing this transition remain. That’s why the Bay Area Council this week announced its support of AB 914 (Friedman) to streamline electrification efforts across sectors.

Read our AB 914 support letter>>

AB 914 exempts from environmental impact analysis under the California Environmental Quality Act certain electrical infrastructure projects intended to provide capacity or enhance reliability to accommodate the increased electrical demand or forecasted electrical demand associated with transportation electrification, building electrification and distributed-energy projects.

The Council believes AB 914 will speed up interconnection of homes, EV fleets, and renewable resources, while also reducing costs for ratepayers, all of which are core goals of the Council’s Energy Committee and Climate Change Mitigation Task Force. To engage in our energy and climate change work, please contact Policy & Regulatory Counsel Kelly Obranowicz.

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