Following testimony this week (May 25) by the Bay Area Council in support of important child care legislation, the Senate Appropriations Committee today (May 29) approved SB 670 authored by state Sen. Hannah Beth-Jackson. This bill was introduced at the request of the Bay Area Council and reestablishes the employer child care tax credit (ECTC). The ECTC would allow employers to receive a tax credit in the amount of 30 percent of the costs for constructing an on-site child care facility and a credit for the startup expenses for creating a child care program. Currently, access to affordable and quality child care has long been a challenge for working families, where demand has consistently outpaced supply. As a result, employees often fail to accept promotions or even re-enter the workforce due to the lack of child care. SB 670 makes it easier for employers to recruit and retain employees, thus reducing training costs, employee absenteeism and productivity. To engage in our early childhood policy work, contact Senior Vice President Matt Regan.

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