Upcoming Healthcare Committee Meeting

Would you like to discuss the very latest developments in healthcare policy with other industry leaders?  Would you like the chance to weigh in collectively on the health policy proposals currently under consideration in Washington D.C. and Sacramento? Please join us then for the next meeting of the Bay Area Council Healthcare Committee next Thursday, July 6th from 11:30am-1:00pm at the offices of Kaiser Permanente in Oakland. We will be welcoming the new co-chair of the Committee, Janet Liang, the President of Kaiser Hospitals & Health System for Northern California. Among other items of business, we will be taking action on whether to submit a letter in opposition to the passage of the BCRA, the Senate version of the national healthcare legislation. The meeting will also feature a short presentation from Bay Area Council Economic Institute President Micah Weinberg on the latest in a series of issue briefs on health policy that focuses on what we can learn from international health systems. RSVP here.

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