Tri-Valley 2040 Visioning Summit

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On Monday, the Bay Area Council Economic Institute organized the Tri-Valley 2040 Visioning Summit in partnership with the Innovation Tri-Valley Leadership Group. Hosted in Dublin, the half-day event brought together 80 stakeholders from across five cities to envision the future of the Tri-Valley.

The event featured three expert speakers: Deborah McKoy and Molly Turner, both of UC Berkeley, and Paul Saffo, a forecaster and professor at Stanford University. Discussion topics included how to better integrate the youth perspective into conversations about the future, how to prepare the region’s workforce for new jobs in 2040, and how to address land use and transportation challenges to serve a growing population. The Visioning Summit was the first step in a 12-month project led by the Economic Institute that will result in a 2040 economic plan for the Tri-Valley.

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