Even as legislation to raise California’s renewable energy targets faltered this week, big questions loom about how California is going to incorporate more renewable energy into our existing power system. The Bay Area Council’s 21st Century Infrastructure Energy Subcommittee took up that question recently during a discussion with PG&E Chairman and CEO Tony Earley and Tom Doughty of the California Independent Systems Operator.

A major challenge is that we overproduce renewable energy in the middle of the day when the sun is high and currently have insufficient storage capacity. There is no silver bullet to address this. We must implement multiple strategies simultaneously in order to overcome this challenge, including advanced storage, empowerment of consumers, and modernized rate structure. At the same time, it is important to include energy such as rooftop solar in the renewable portfolio while allowing utilities and customers greater flexibility to optimize their generation source. To engage in our Energy Subcommittee, please contact Policy Associate Rachele Trigueros.

Read a commentary by Tony Earley on California’s clean energy future>>

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