If you visit Oracle headquarters in Redwood Shores, you’ll see a new building under construction at the north end of campus. In early 2018, Design Tech High School ( will move into this facility — its purpose-built home — and become the first public high school in the U.S. to be located on a tech company’s campus, while remaining fully autonomous.—a free public charter school— has occupied temporary spaces in existing education facilities since it was founded in 2014. In October 2015, Oracle CEO Safra Catz announced plans to construct the school a permanent home at the company’s headquarters. The new school facility was designed to meet the specialized needs of the school’s forward-thinking education model, which emphasizes extreme personalization and putting knowledge into action. The 64,000-square-foot, two-story building will also enable the school to grow to full capacity (550 students). The building is targeting LEED for Schools Gold with an efficient building form/envelope, a healthy interior environment, and low-impact landscaping. Visit Oracle’s d-tech to learn more.

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