Lack of paid parental leave, differences in how men and women are mentored, and other challenges to achieving gender equity in the workplace were all highlighted in the discussion at the inaugural meeting of the Bay Area Council’s Gender Equity Committee on Tuesday (June 23). Council members from a broad range of sectors spent time discussing what their organizations are doing in the gender equity space as well as the challenges and solutions they have encountered as part of their efforts in a meeting that kicked off an effort to develop a broad report on gender equity “best practices.” Over the last few months the Council has been surveying its members to collect examples of ways to increase gender equity in the work world, and this meeting provided additional information for the growing list, including expanding the scope of “mentorship” to include sponsorship, engaging in an annual pay equity analysis, and placing a focus on gender equity in the hiring process.

The report will highlight specific efforts of as many member organizations as possible. To learn more about the Council’s Gender Equity Committee or to share your company’s best practices for inclusion in the report, please contact Policy Associate Brianne Riley.

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