Council Works to Improve Workforce Diversity

On Tuesday (June 27), Bay Area Council Workforce of the Future Committee Chair Julius Robinson, Managing Director & Group Head, Corporate Social Responsibilities for the Americas for MUFG Union Bank, led the second peer-to-peer employer workshop focused on improve regional workforce diversity. Complementing the Bay Area Council’s Bay Area Young Men of Color Employment Partnership (BAYEP), a program to expand workforce opportunity to young men of color across the region, this workshop brought employers from Bayer, Recology, Bank of the West, Uber, and Dolby to name a few, to share best practices and develop solutions to improve workforce diversity in the Bay Area.

During the workshop, members discussed the importance of holding leadership accountable, mitigating unconscious bias, and sharing their best practices with other organizations. These companies recognize that their continued success in part lies in the diversity of thought that candidates bring to their jobs. A recent survey published by Deloitte revealed that companies with higher diversity across their workforce are 35 percent more likely to see returns above national industry medians. To further the impact of diversity, 80 percent of candidates in the US and the Bay Area consider inclusion as an “important factor to choosing an employer.”

This workshop was the second in a three-part series designed to generate best practices across industry sectors facing similar challenges to increase worked based learning, diversity, and community partnerships that all drive more talent from our communities into livable wage jobs. To engage in Workforce of the Future Committee and be part of the next workshop, please contact Senior Vice President Linda Bidrossian.

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