The Bay Area Council Healthcare Committee today (Feb. 6) met with Assemblymember Rob Bonta (D-Oakland), the new Chair of the Assembly Health Committee and a rising legislative star. Bonta has long been a champion of improving access to quality healthcare for all Californians, and has authored and co-authored a number of bills to promote public health. Bonta discussed his legislative healthcare priorities for 2015 and beyond, including AB 72 that he authored with Speaker Atkins that would ensure California continues to provide the best quality and most cost-efficient care for Medi-Cal beneficiaries, and the Health for All bill that would expand healthcare insurance coverage for all Californians. He also discussed his commitment to addressing the social determinants of health through trauma health and gun violence healing services.

Special thanks to Kaiser Permanente for hosting this meeting. The Bay Area Council Healthcare Committee is chaired by Dr. Kent Bradley, Chief Medical Officer, Safeway, Inc., and Jim Henry, Market Managing Partner, PwC LLP. To learn more about our healthcare work, contact Policy Associate Emily Loper.

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