Lessons from China on Reopening Restaurants

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Two weeks ago, the Mayor London Breed issued a plan for reopening San Francisco. On Wednesday, the Mayor made a surprise announcement that restaurants can begin offering outdoor dining service starting on June 12. With face coverings required, new cleaning protocols and social distancing implemented, how will our casual lunches and Friday dinners at the restaurant look like? We invited hospitality experts and restaurant managers, who already reopened their businesses in China, to share their on the ground experience and insights.

Christian Caspar, Director of Food and Beverage and Expert on Hospitality Recovery, based in Beijing and Alan Sartori, Co-Founder and Manager of MOMÉNTI Italian Pasta Bar in Shanghai, talked about how restaurants were welcoming customers back after months of shutdown and what measures had been taken to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Watch a recording of the forum here>>

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