Workforce of the Future


n response to the Bay Area’s traffic crisis, emerging private transportation companies are offering new, innovative solutions for a comfortable, ...


As the world watched the inauguration of President Donald Trump, the Bay Area Council Economic Institute’s 10th Annual Economic Forecast presente...

Council Secures Grant for New, Innovative Workforce Program

A regional initiative the Bay Area Council is leading to increase employment opportunities for young men of color in the Bay Area got a major boost...

Council Pushes for Legislative Action on Housing Crisis

As the Bay Area Council gears up to drive action in the Legislature this year on California’s housing crisis, a new report out this week provides...

Help End the Scourge of Family Homelessness

The Bay Area Council is urging its members to help secure a $10 million challenge grant from Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff and his wife, Lynne, to fu...

Bay Area Water Leaders Give Input to National Policy Agenda

Forty of the Bay Area’s top water leaders convened at Google on Thursday (Dec. 15) to map out federal water advocacy in the Trump-era.

Council Joins President Obama for Final My Brother’s Keeper White House Convening

This week, Bay Area Council Economic Institute President Micah Weinberg attended the final White House convening for President Obama's My Brother's...

Taking Action to Address Workforce Needs

The Bay Area Council recently hosted Van Ton-Quinlivan (Vice Chancellor for Workforce and Economic Development, California Community Colleges) and ...

Mentorships Key to Increasing Women in Senior Leadership Roles

The Gender Equity Committee met this week to participate in an interactive discussion with Shavon Lindley, CEO of Women Evolution, which creates in...

Council Doubling Down on Solving Regional Commute Mess

The Bay Area Council just loves a good challenge, and there is perhaps no bigger challenge for the region than bringing some relief to the congeste...
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