
BART needs to get contract talks done by July 1

With a June 30 contract deadline approaching, now is the time for BART and its labor unions to avoid the battles of the past and negotiate a soluti...

San Francisco Eastern Neighborhoods Plan passes – finally

There is an old military adage, “the first casualty of any battle is the plan”. This would appear to be true in the battle to rezone San Franc...

Bay Area Council Helps Shape Regional Transportation Plan

Today the Bay Area Council Transportation Committee submitted recommendations to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for their T2035 Plan.

Major Development Goes South

After many years and many millions of dollars invested in a proposed development that would have brought up to 25,000 new housing units and as many...

NorCal Coalition Doing Well on Goods Movement

A coalition the Council has helped lead headed to Sacramento today to support our efforts to win billions for goods movement infrastructure.

“Out of the Box” ideas that could happen with private partnerships

I had the honor of meeting today with the Governor and regional representatives from across the state to discuss long-stalled projects that could h...

BART, the Council, The Governor – Time for a Press Conference

This morning Jim participated in a press conference with the Governor, Senate Pro Tem Perata, Mayor Dellums and others to announce $24 million for ...
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