Bay Area Science and Innovation Consortium (BASIC)

BASIC is an action-oriented collaboration of the region’s major research universities, national research laboratories, and research and development businesses and independent institutions, with a Board of Directors composed of the heads of these research institutions.
BASIC primary mission Advance the innovation, science and technology leadership of the Bay Area, the state and the nation. All actions it undertakes are focused on achieving that specific objective.
As a key project within its mission, BASIC developed a Bay Area innovation, science and technology website with three specific goals:

  1. Enable virtual exchange of ideas between the BASIC Board and other science and technology professionals on innovative approaches to addressing issues impacting Bay Area leadership.  This section of the site is password-protected.
  2. Highlight for the regional community the Bay Area’s unparalleled research and development infrastructure, its unique culture, and the entrepreneurial spirit of its people.- The regional community needs quality information to better appreciate the Bay Area’s unparalleled research and development infrastructure and the tremendous scientific achievements that not only positioned the Bay Area as a global leader but also resulted in exciting societal benefits for the world.- The regional community also needs better information on the direct linkage between science and technology and the region’s economic vitality.
  3. 3. Utilize the “open forum” element of the site to stimulate science and technology discussions within the regional community.  Intelligent dialogue is the foundation for a coordinated regional action plan to address issues impacting the Bay Area and the nation’s global innovation leadership.
  4. The website does not simply present information – it is a “Call to Action.”

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