Bay Area Council Foundation

The Bay Area Council Foundation (BACF) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization founded in 2004 to fund, manage and implement initiatives that impact the entire Bay Area region of California. The mission of BACF is to support the Bay Area Council and invest philanthropic resources toward building stronger, more vibrant communities, a healthy economy, and a more innovative, globally competitive and sustainable Bay Area region. We do not make grants and function largely as an operating foundation.
We also engage efforts toward global competitiveness, looking at ways to drive innovation, sustainability, and the factors that govern overall well-being for employees and residents in the Bay Area. Our advocacy, research, education, organizing and community-building efforts, as well as specific program initiatives, all exist as part of a strategy focused within established categories of concern. These include:

Regional Focus

BACF is unique in that we focus on regional challenges and opportunities. Because the Bay Area faces challenges—such as those related to the environment and economic development—that are not contained within the boundaries of cities or counties, we address regional solutions. Our work takes into consideration the Bay Area mega-region inclusive of the following nine counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, Sonoma, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara and Solano. Some efforts, like our resilient delta water strategy or our work on the educational data system, have state-wide impact.

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