Governor’s Office Briefs Council on Infrastructure Package

With Governor Newsom’s CEQA streamlining proposal for clean energy, water, and semiconductor infrastructure projects facing 11th hour negotiations with the legislature, Deputy Cabinet Secretary James Hacker took time Thursday (June 22) to address a joint meeting of the Bay Area Council’s Climate Change Mitigation Task Force and Transportation Demand Working Group hosted by Gilead in Foster City. Hacker stressed that the package was needed to help California quickly adapt to, and mitigate, climate change and to keep California’s economy competitive. He also shared that the Governor was committed to moving the proposal forward as a complete package.

The Council, working through the New California Coalition led by CEO Jim Wunderman and BizFed CEO Tracy Hernandez, has been mounting a strong advocacy campaign targeting state legislators to win support for the Governor’s infrastructure package. 

Council members convened at Gilead to tour the company’s renewable energy infrastructure and electric vehicle charging facilities, critical for helping the company achieve its NetZero goal by 2030. Council members saw Gilead’s impressive array of solar and battery installations and its growing fleet of electric buses. To learn more about the Climate Change Mitigation Task Force, please contact Policy Director Julian Lake. To learn more about the Transportation Demand Working Group, please contact Vice President, Public Policy, Emily Loper.

For More Information Contact:

Emily Loper image
Emily Loper

Vice President of Public Policy, Transportation

(415) 946-8745

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