Getting the Goods on Goods Movement

Assemblymember Mia Bonta this week joined the Bay Area Council’s Goods Movement Subcommittee for an engaging and informative discussion on the future of the state’s ports and supply chain infrastructure. Bonta represents Oakland, Alameda, and Emeryville and serves on the Assembly Committee on Budget and Select Committee on Ports and Goods Movement. She shared details of the historic supply chain investments recently approved in the state budget, including an unprecedented $1.5 billion for port infrastructure upgrades. And she talked about emissions, emerging technologies, labor, the future of the goods movement in California, and much more.

The discussion came after the Port of Oakland released a new reportshowing its operations, including Oakland International Airport, generates $174 billion annually in economic activity and supports almost 100,000 jobs, including being the second largest jobs provider in Oakland and the fifth largest in the Bay Area.

The Goods Movement Subcommittee is co-chaired by Danny Wan (Executive Director, Port of Oakland) and Genevieve Cadwalader (VP Investment Officer, Prologis) and works to strengthen the local goods movement system that is the backbone of our regional economy. To engage in the Council’s goods movement work, please contact Policy Director Laura Hill .

For More Information Contact:

Laura Hill image
Laura Hill

Senior Policy Director, Transportation and Public Safety

(415) 946-8741

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