Leaders Share Ideas on Family-Friendly Workplaces

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How do companies create family-friendly workplace policies to advance gender equity? The Bay Area Council on Wednesday (Oct. 17) hosted the Future of Work Roundtable to answer that very question. Panelists including Carmela Clendening of Salesforce, Chris Ruhl of PwC and Audrey Gallien of Catalyst, a national organization working to advance women in the workplace, discussed the importance of robust paid parental leave programs to attract and retain women, whose careers are often penalized after having a baby.

The group shared best practices around flexible scheduling, on-site childcare, encouraging men to take advantage of parental policies, and being inclusive of adoptive parents. The Council and our partners Panorama Global and the Silicon Valley Community Foundation are thrilled to continue our work to bring companies together around the intersection of gender equity, paid leave, and family friendly workplace policies. As stated at the meeting: advancing gender equity and family-friendly workplace policies is not just the right thing to do, it’s a business necessity. To engage in the Council’s gender equity work, please contact Senior Policy Manager Rachele Trigueros.

Read the Bay Area Council Economic Institute report on creating family-friendly workplaces>>

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