Combatting Toxic Workplace Cultures

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We Said Enough and #MeToo movement leader Adama Iwu, Vice President of State and Community Relations for Visa, joined the Bay Area Council Gender Equity & Diversity Committee on Wednesday for a lively, informative and timely discussion as the Brett Kavanaugh sexual assault controversy was making national headlines. In a conversation moderated by Council CEO Jim Wunderman, Adama discussed her mission to expose and correct long-festering culture of sexual harassment at our very own state capitol, among other related topics. The Committee also heard from attorneys Micah Star Liberty and Lindbergh Porter about legislation currently on Governor Brown’s desk to combat sexual harassment and protect victims. The Committee also discussed strategies and techniques for how to conduct fair and effective workplace investigations and training.

Lindbergh of Littler Mendelson closed the meeting by paraphrasing a powerful quote from Martin Luther King Jr. that “…while the law may not change the hearts of men, it does change the habits of men. And when you change the habits of men, pretty soon the attitudes and the hearts will be changed. And so there is a need for strong legislation constantly to grapple with the problems we face.” Our biggest thanks to Council member Deloitte and Gender Committee Co-Chair Stuart Newton for hosting us. To engage in our Gender Equity and Diversity Committee, please contact Senior Policy Manager Rachele Trigueros.

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