World’s Top Energy Ministers Converge on Bay Area

Leaders from around the globe have gathered in New York today to sign an historic climate agreement negotiated at United Nations climate change talks in Paris last December. The enactment of the COP21 accords is a major milestone in the lead-up to the 2016 Clean Energy Ministerial, the upcoming summit between the 24 largest economies around the world, to be held on May 31 – June 3 in San Francisco. Over 1000 of the world’s foremost visionaries in clean energy plan to converge on the Bay Area for the Ministerial, including the likes of Breakthrough Energy Coalition founder Bill Gates, former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency official and current Apple executive Lisa Jackson, climate change evangelist Governor Jerry Brown, environmental philanthropists Tom Steyer and John Doerr, and the energy ministers of the US, China, and India, the largest emitters of carbon on the planet. Energy experts predict that the market for clean energy technology will continue to grow as these world leaders take these big steps towards the 2016 Ministerial talks and beyond. These trends bode well for the Bay Area, a world leader on innovation and investment on advanced transportation, energy storage, and renewable energy sourcing.

The Bay Area Council is co-hosting the 2016 Clean Energy Ministerial in Partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy.  For more information on sponsorship opportunities and tickets, please contact Policy Manager Genevieve Herreria or call (415) 946-8734, and visit

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