Major Win for Council’s Transformative Water Data Bill

Legislation the Bay Area Council is sponsoring to revolutionize how California uses data technology to better manage the state’s water system is headed to Governor Jerry Brown’s desk for his signature. After months of intense advocacy by the Council in support of AB 1755, the state Assembly on Thursday (Aug. 26) approved The Open and Transparent Water Data Act authored by Assemblymember Bill Dodd of Napa.

With the Governor’s signature, AB 1755 would enable the Department of Water Resources to take a wealth of disparate and disconnected data about the state’s water and put it all in one place online. Such an online platform is a vital step towards building a functioning water transfer market across California that can help improve conservation efforts and allow water agencies to more efficiently and effectively buy and sell water to meet local demands. We need your voice to tell the Governor to sign AB 1755. To add your name to a letter of support, please contact Policy Manager Rachele Trigueros at

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