Premature births cost businesses nationwide more than $12 billion annually in excess health care expenses. To address this problem, the Bay Area Council Economic Institute partnered with the March of Dimes Foundation to develop a new tool that lets businesses estimate the potential cost to them of premature births and provide a range of resources to help employees avoid preterm births. The new Cost of Prematurity to Business Estimator was unveiled Thursday (Dec. 10) at an event hosted by the Bay Area Council.

The event featured presentations from Economic Institute President Micah Weinberg, PhD, as well as from Dr. James Byrne, Chairman of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Santa Clara Medical Center; Tre’ McCallister, Principal at Mercer; and Dr. Maurice Druzin, Professor and Vice Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Stanford University School of Medicine outlining steps businesses and individuals can take and on the progress leading medical researchers are making.

Visit the Institute’s blog to view a recording of the webcast, and try the new — and free — tool and estimate the cost of prematurity to your business here.

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