Member Spotlight: 49ers Foundation Makes Big Play to Help Community

The 49ers Foundation has a long history of generously supporting its community, particularly in the areas of STEM education programs and summer camps.  Most recently,  and 49ers CEO Jed York, who serves on the Bay Area Council Executive Committee, announced that the 49ers Foundation will contribute $1 million to the cause of improving racial and economic inequality and fostering communication and collaboration between law enforcement and the communities they serve here in the Bay Area.

Says York, “We are partnering with the Silicon Valley Community Foundation and the San Francisco Foundation in this effort. We have chosen to work with these two organizations because they have proven track records of affecting change in the face of challenging problems and have the collective reach to make the greatest impact. We are excited to work with these two renowned foundations over the coming months to develop a giving plan to help our community find unifying solutions to these pressing issues.”

This new commitment is designed to “get the focus where it belongs.”  Our hats are off to the 49ers Foundation.

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