The Bay Area Council is continuing its strong leadership on early childhood education, developing new partnerships and advocating for increased resources. The science is clear that investing in early education and brain development is among the most cost-effective ways to increase career and economic opportunities for future generations. Senior Vice President Matt Regan, who leads the Council’s early education work, last week delivered that message during a panel discussion at the NALEO Education Leadership Initiative Policy Institute on Early Learning in Napa. Regan talked about the importance of additional investments in early childhood education with Assemblymember Luis Alejo, Chair of the Latino Caucus, and San Francisco District Attorney George Gascon. The audience included Latino elected officials and schoolboard members from across California and the country. The panel was introduced by Secretary of State Alex Padilla.

On the legislative front, the Council announced that it is sponsoring a new bill (SB 670) by state Sen. Hannah Beth Jackson that would reinstate business tax credits for workplace-based child care of up to $360 per employee per month and $50,000 for program startup costs. Legislation (AB 47) by Assemblymember Kevin McCarty to fund preschool for all 4 year old children from lower-income families by 2017 that the Council is supporting was approved in committee this week (April 27) . To engage in the Council’s early childhood education work, please contact Senior Vice President Matt Regan.

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