Bank of America Deepens Partnership with the Bay Area Council

Helping to drive the Bay Area economy and quality of life have been priorities of both the Council and Bank of America for decades. Recently, the Bank of America Foundation awarded $50,000 to the Bay Area Council Foundation to support the Council’s Global Competitiveness Strategy, inclusive of work on energy and the environment, education, housing, transportation, and the research and projects of the Bay Area Council Economic Institute.

“Bank of America’s approach to philanthropy reaches beyond grant-making to build deep and lasting partnerships with the most effective organizations in our communities, and our relationship with the Bay Area Council has been extremely productive for both organizations,” said Janet Lamkin, President of Bank of America California and a member of the Executive Committee of the Bay Area Council. “The Council’s regional championship of innovation, global competitiveness, economic and environmental sustainability and good government has been and continues to be a key factor in sustaining and improving the economy and quality of life in the Bay Area.”

To learn more about the Council’s one- and three-year strategies, check out our Global Competitiveness Strategy.

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