About the logo
Over the past year, the Bay Area Council has worked with Jay Porter and his fantastic team at Edelman to design a new brand and logo for the Council. Edelman worked tirelessly to drill down and capture the Council’s strengths and areas in need of improvement through interviews with staff and members. This research was used to create the concept for the new Bay Area Council brand. Edelman has done a masterful job putting together a new brand, identity and logo that fits who the Bay Area Council is now, and who we’re going to be over the next 65 years and beyond.
The Bay Mark
Contemporary, simple and memorable, the Bay Mark was designed to resonate with both Bay Area residents and the global community as the BAC expands its activities in Asia. The mark incorporates the “b” and “a” initials from the Bay Area name to create an infinity mark that symbolizes the council’s ongoing relationships within the community. It also hints at the geography of the North and South Bays. The mark’s continuous nature and lack of sharp corners fluidly contains the energy and flow within the shape. The color selection offers a warmth that brings to mind the people and relationships that power the Bay Area Council.
About the Website
Lion Associates, an award-winning interactive firm, picked up where Edelman left off regarding the online brand for the Bay Area Council. Lion Associates firmly planted the Bay Area Council at the forefront of a growing number political advocacy organizations that are embracing the newest technologies as tools used to accomplish their goals. The new website features built-in social networking tools, up-to-date mechanisms to connect to the website via feeds, mobile device friendly design that does not use Flash in its interactive elements, and Salesforce CRM integration.