Sen. Feinstein Announced as Co-Chair of Bay Restoration Campaign

The regional campaign (Yes on Measure AA) that the Bay Area Council is helping lead to protect and restore San Francisco Bay got a significant boost Thursday (Feb. 18) when it was announced that Senator Dianne Feinstein agreed to be an honorary co-chair. The June 2016 measure proposes a $12 per year parcel tax that would raise $500 million over 20 years to fund critical conservation and flood protection projects, including the restoration of 15,000 acres of wetlands and creation of 25 miles of new Bay Trails.

“Measure AA is an unprecedented opportunity for all Bay Area residents to unite in support of the Bay we love, and improve it a lot for very little cost,” Sen. Feinstein said. “The Bay is the very heart of our region’s identity, and is vital to the economic and ecological future of California. It is up to us to protect and restore it for the benefit of our children and our children’s children.”

Feinstein joins civic leader Bob Fisher as honorary co-chair of the campaign, which has received broad support from local elected officials, environmental, business, labor, and philanthropic groups, and civic leaders, more than 70 of whom have already endorsed the measure. Feinstein, a lifelong Bay Area resident, has been a consistent voice on behalf of protecting the San Francisco Bay. In 2003, she led the effort to secure 16,500 acres of salt ponds and shoreline property for wetlands restoration to clean the Bay’s waters, expand wildlife habitat, build miles of new Bay Trails, and provide flood protection for threatened communities and critical public infrastructure.

Yes on Measure AA will generate sorely needed funding for the restoration of San Francisco Bay wetlands, benefiting the people, wildlife, and economy of Bay Area communities. This local funding will also help the region leverage the additional state and federal funding necessary to finish the job. Learn how you can support Measure AA>>

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