With strong signals coming from the House, the Senate and the White House, real cybersecurity legislation seems destined to become law in late fall of this year.  This issue affects nearly every one of our members and is a multi-sector top priority.  The Bay Area Council Cybersecurity Committee traveled to Washington D.C. to tee up influencing the language of this legislation, plus related issues earlier this year.

The Council’s Cybersecurity Committee will have a legislative policy meeting next week at Google at 3 p.m. to revise our “straw man” legislative language.  We believe now is our time to weigh-in with one of our key strengths as a united, multi-sector voice, and as we suspect from our interactions in DC and with policy makers, we believe our voice will be heard.  For more information about the Council’s Cybersecurity Committee, please contact Linda Galliher at

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